Deciding on a Request

John, a colleague of Sheila's who is authorized to approve, sees Sheila's request on the Budget tab. The request is displayed in red in the Approvals column. John clicks on the red entry to open the edit interface. There, John decides on the request. He can approve, deny, or send the amount back for reprocessing.

  1. On the Budget tab, locate the investment plan for which you want to decide on an approval request.

  2. In the Approvals column, click the red approve (X) entry. X represents the number of pending request for this investment plan.

  3. The Approvals screen opens. The screen lists every pending approval.

  4. Click on the pending request you want to decide on.

  5. In case you need more information for your decision: Click the Details panel icon in the Line Item column to see the attributes.

  6. Decide by clicking above the list:

    • Click Approve in case you want to approve the request. If necessary enter a comment. Click Approve unter the Comment field to finalize your decision.

    • Click Deny in case you want to reject the request. We recommend to describe the reason for your denial in the Comment field. Click Deny unter the Comment field to finalize your decision.

    • In case the request or the line item needs a revision before approval, click Send back. Describe the points you want to be improved for an approval in the Comment field. Click Send back unter the Comment field to finalize your decision.

  7. In case you want to decide on several requests, repeat steps 4 to 6 until every request is decided on.

You have decided on the requests.